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The background art was created on day 1 of the project. Mixedmedia on handmade paper.

Where Art & Grief Meet


The success of Where Art & Grief Meet will be richer for the voluntary participation of both Australian and international artists. I thank them one and all for their precious time.

Producing the #whereartandgriefmeetpod is being done on a shoestring and a steep learning curve, but eternal thanks go to BlueAnt for donating the whizzbang tech that is helping me make something listentoable.


Growing an online social network where artists can share experiences, strategies and support one another through adversity will be an invaluable resource and something that will hopefully thrive beyond the bounds of the project's timeframe.

If you are interested and able to financially support Where Art & Grief Meet via a once only donation with Paypal or Patreon, information about how to do so follows.



Patreon provides a means for monthly financial contributions to help me along the way. There are six tiers of support, form $3p/m to $75p/m. All the details are outlined on their platform. 

Look for Where Art and Grief Meet. Or click here 




Go to Project Summary

Go to Podcast

Go to Background

Go to Contributors

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